From the left: Andreas & Karoline, citizen journalists, Nicolas from Greece and Domik from Croatia |
What Do the SDG's Mean to You?
The SDGs, sustainable development goals, are the UN's attempt to set an agenda and an outline for how to create a better world. A sustainable environment. Active citizens. Happy people who believe in the future for their children. All of this is admirable, but what do the 17 goals actually mean to people around the world? We asked people at the tool fair of the Ladder project what the global goals meant to them, and we got a lot of different answers:
"Local authorities & civil society organizations now have a tool for changing approaches to development mentality on societal issues and a spectrum for a better life."
Theodora Avgoulidou, Greece

Nicolas, Greece
"The goals are a challenge for my professional life because I work on raising awareness. I try to achieve the goals and sometimes you are only doing a small thing and you can't see the result but at the end small people making small things is achieving the change."
Francesca Campana

Alexandro, Moldova
"They connect society to decisions of local authorities and are very important for development that give people a real voice."
Elena, Belgium
"They have perspective and are goals to reach. They are the direction for the world and have the future views."
Markus, Germany
"What does the king know about the suffering of the people? See, they have goals, but do you believe that everyone notices the people?"
Domik, Croatia
"They are challenging but relevant. Really, they're guidelines that we should follow to make the world more sustainable and just. Ladder is doing really well because everyone does their own part to achieve the goals."
Sofia Caiolo, Italy
"They mean a better world."
Aldo, Portugal
What do the SDG’s mean to you?